With Elon Musk, X became an opinion manipulation machine. Let's refuse to be accomplices.
Let's take back control by leaving X collectively for alternatives that respect freedom of expression.
Escape-X is an international, transpartisan and apolitical movement whose aim is to enable citizens to reclaim digital spaces compatible with functional democracies.
This movement has been founded by non-profit organisations. They are;
It relies on the portability platform developed by the OpenPortability research project of the Complex Systems Institute of Paris IdF (CNRS).
To contact us, you can write to contact at escape-x dot org
Octopuce SARL, managed web hosting
25 rue Popincourt, FR-75011 Paris.
With Elon Musk, X became an opinion manipulation machine. Let's refuse to be accomplices.
Let's take back control by leaving X collectively for alternatives that respect freedom of expression.