
With Elon Musk, X became an opinion manipulation machine. Let's refuse to be accomplices.

Let's take back control by leaving X collectively for alternatives that respect freedom of expression.

I launch the app to quit X!

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Escape-X is an international, transpartisan and apolitical movement whose aim is to enable citizens to reclaim digital spaces compatible with functional democracies.

This movement has been founded by non-profit organisations. They are;

  • in France : la Ligue des Droits de L’homme, La Quadrature du Net, le SNJ-CGT, Nothing 2 Hide, On est prêt, Au Poste,
  • in Spain Vámonos Juntas
  • in Germany SciXit
  • in Italy, Ban X in EU et Leave X

It relies on the portability platform developed by the OpenPortability research project of the Complex Systems Institute of Paris IdF (CNRS).

Contact us

To contact us, you can write to contact at escape-x dot org


Octopuce SARL, managed web hosting
25 rue Popincourt, FR-75011 Paris.


Geoffrey Dorne — designer

With Elon Musk, X became an opinion manipulation machine. Let's refuse to be accomplices.

Let's take back control by leaving X collectively for alternatives that respect freedom of expression.

I launch the app to quit X!